Monday, August 22, 2005

Someone said that the hard thing about adoption is its out of our control. I have to agree wholeheartedly. It's not like a pregnancy - which moves forward without any effort on my part and has a definite end in sight. It's not like most projects where if I just put forth extra effort, or fork out more money, or do SOMETHING, I can get to the finish line. I've done all I can do and it's out of my hands.

I fell in love with a little girl in a photolisting today. I usually avoid looking at them, because nearly every one touches me. But this little girl was different. I can't stop thinking about her. It reminds me of how I felt about the boys. I inquired about her and it's not something we can remotely afford. I am racking my brain for ways to come up with the money, but really it's not even feasible. And that's breaking my heart.

I'm going to try and put a little aside from time to time, and hope that in the meantime someone else is touched by her and adopts her. It would take us literally years to save up enough.


Blogger Tara said...

You have a heart of gold. You really really do.

12:06 PM  

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