Friday, August 19, 2005

We're sending the kids to a new charter school this year. We homeschooled for a year and a half, and I am a big fan of homeschooling in general. But with 7 kids I just didn't feel up to the task.

We had the kids in public school from Jan to May of this year and that was okay. I have no - okay few - complaints.

But I was very excited about this new charter school. We took Talysa to register for classes last night, which was a major PITB, but she's got a good schedule. Why is it that when you're in high school you couldn't care less about your education, and when you're an adult and actually appreciate learning, you're expected to have a job instead (or be a stay at home mom)? I'm envious of the fun classes Talysa is registered for, and the ones she didn't register for that I would have.

I was especially psyched about the uniforms. Kateri says it more eloquently than I could, plus she speaks from experience. Suffice it to say that I was Not Pleased when I learned they were changing to a dress code that requires school colors, but no uniforms. School shopping has just begun and already it's a huge headache.


Blogger Cheryl said...

That charter school sounds like a neat idea! I've also been a big fan of homeschooling but I'm seriously considering sending my older two to school next year. Just not handling it well with 5 children.

11:09 PM  

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