Monday, August 29, 2005

I spend close to $300 a month on formula. Adding it up makes me sick to my stomach.

Could I have done anything differently? Maybe. I think maybe more rest in the first weeks, more help, someone to care for one baby while I fed the other. Less visitors, more support.
I thought I had it under control. I had my husband, my in laws, my 5 older children. What I didn’t have was sleep, hydration, good food. There was no one to take care of *me*.

I had a lump excised many years ago, and I believe milk ducts were severed. I’ve always produced more on one side than the other. So maybe nothing would have helped, and I was destined to have insufficient milk supply. But I’d successfully nursed my other children; I had tandem nursed and nursed an older (3.5 year old) child. I was not prepared to fail at breastfeeding, not when I had defied the odds and carried my twins to term, and birthed them at home no less.

I thought I was a breastfeeding pro, a tandeming diva. It just goes to show that pride goeth before the fall ;) and that even moms who don’t think they need help and support do, just like everyone else.


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