Tuesday, March 15, 2005

10 things about me

  1. I got a tattoo when I was 18 and have regretted it almost ever since.
  2. When I was 14 I slipped on the ice and broke my hip. I had to have 2 surgeries and was on crutches for 6 months. It was so traumatic I have very little memory of it.
  3. I want more kids someday.
  4. I hate to talk on the phone.
  5. I am addicted to buying bags and shoes.
  6. I have always wanted an important successful career: ER physician or District Attorney, or biochemist. By the time I’m done having kids I think I’ll be too old to get accepted into graduate school.
  7. I’m 2 yrs older than my husband.
  8. I don’t eat pork.
  9. I refuse to touch the door of a public bathroom with my hands. I use a paper towel, my elbow, or my sleeve.
  10. I tried out for the Fire Department twice and failed.


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